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Pursuit of god

The Fire of God

In this day and age of troubles, strife and calamities we need to seek, yearn and desire to burn for God by His holy and pure fire! God burns for us in love so we need to burn for Him! The fire of God is the very presence of God through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It is the anointing and the flow of the power of the eternal and living God. The fire is also the light of God, for fire is light. God is the source of all light as an all-consuming fire. For Christians to be “in” the Lord, they must be in His fire to produce the light and the heat of His love and glory. The Bible teaches that we must be holy as He is Holy. We do so by being refined by His fire. Glory to God, His fire is spiritual, not natural. It is majestic, beautiful, and runs like a liquid in our soul and spirit.

With All Might

Of the greatest commandment, we read in Mark 12 (NIV): “29 The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ We need to again place a spotlight on the word “strength”. So what does it then mean to serve God with all our strength? We can also ask do we really serve and love God with all our strength. For if we do, then we must make every effort, day and night, to obey God, to follow Him, to love Him, and to serve Him. We must do so with every ounce of our strength, with every ounce of conviction, and there must be no room, none whatsoever, for the world to steal our love for God, or our devotion, loyalty and faithfulness. To love God with all our strength (might) is to constantly all the time seek His will, His ways and truth. It calls for us to pay attention to God, to be serious about Him above everything else and to love Him as our First Love.

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Presence of God

King David writes in “Psalm 16:11 You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” As believers of God, we need to yearn, seek and desire to dwell in the presence of God, for in His presence we know God and in that knowing, we can thrive, overcome, prosper and grow spiritually. We need a cry of the heart that we need the presence of God daily for as believers of God we cannot truly function or be alive with His presence! A life of spiritual victory is only possible in God’s presence as we walk in His glory. We need to cry out to God that surely we don’t want to go anywhere or do anything without His presence. For in His presence is life, hope, joy, strength deliverance and healing.

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Choose Life or Death Part One and Two

Our entire spiritual journey along with our free will boils down to either choosing to walk with Jesus (LIFE) or choosing the way of the world (DEATH). In God there is life, and life in abundance. Not just eternal life, but life in spirit, in soul and in body. Yet, there is a real difference between knowing of Him and knowing Him. In Him we abide in life, and walk in such life, but this calls for obedience to His Truth, to His Way and to His Kingdom.

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Way of the Lord Part One and Two

Jesus said He is the Way, Truth and Life. There is no other way when it comes to following Christ. We follow the Way of the Lord, and not our way or any other way. His Way is secure, true and promises life, hope, joy, strength and love. His Way leads us along the blessed path of an intimate relationship with God, and along a path where we are led to the green pastures and quiet pastures. 

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Abiding in the Fullness of God

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The Heart of God
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Why talk about the heart? We read in “Matthew 22: 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” 37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment.” It is that simple. We must love God WITH ALL OUR HEART. Not part of it. Not proportionally. In totality. We must be consumed by a love for God, for He is must be our first love. Our heart must beat for God in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, yes every second of the day! Our hearts must yearn for God, for God is glorious and wonderful. God is jealous of our love. He wants our heart. He wants our affection, attention and devotion. There is nothing greater for your heart to beat for God and for God to live in our hearts through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. Only when our hearts yield to God, can we seek a path of purity, joy, peace, and love. For God calls our hearts to beat in sync with His heart. 

Fruits of the Spirit

Galatians 5 makes it clear what are the fruits of the Spirit, which include love, joy, peace and self-control. Take note we are dealing here with the fruits of the Spirit, not our spirit. So we can only develop and carry such fruit when we allow God to abide and work in us. Therefore, we have to “live in the Spirit”, meaning walking in the Spirit who produces such fruit. This volume of work has been prompted for the simple reason that the church seems to be neglecting the need to equip disciples who reflect and manifest the character of God. We have become too obsessed with creating a feel-good Church, gifts, signs and wonders, yet ignoring the importance of character. It should be stressed we cannot generate such good fruits that produce moral and godly living on our own, therefore, we need to abide in God to bear much fruit. 

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God's best plan

God only wants the best for us. After all, any parent only wants the best for their children, so why would it be different when it comes to our relationship with God? God’s intentions towards His children have always been good, pure, glorious and wonderful. Only the best says God for His children. God’s plan and purpose for us are the BEST, and this transcends every aspect of our lives, be it our spiritual journey or our journey through life. The VERY BEST God has in store for us will glorify God, exalt His Kingdom, and it will give meaning to our existence. It is the best that will prosper us in spirit, soul and body. If we truly seek God and His plan above all, we then seek His Kingdom and righteousness. And for those who seek His Kingdom with devotion, will be rewarded for the rest shall be added (Matthew 6:33 – spiritual and physical blessings and favour).

Pursuit of Holiness, Mortification and Abandonment

Years ago, the Lord spoke in my heart about three key aspects of our spiritual journey: Mortification. Abandonment. Purity. Together, they abbreviate M.A.P. Thus, the map to follow in our pursuit of holiness. For if we pursue such practice of always seeking God, yielding and laying it down for His glory, we shall then pursue holiness and we shall abide in His glorious presence. This is also a continuous journey of abandonment, mortification, and purification. We serve a great God, and so from the majesty of the heavens, ruling all dominion, He is Life and He shall forever be the One who grants us the physical breath and the spiritual regeneration of hope and glory. We are free because of the greatness of His love. And so, we are called to abandon all unto His care. To seek holiness. To seek purity. And to surrender it all to His Glory.

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Victorious Living in Christ
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In this study, we will explore how to walk in the victorious life of Christ. 1 John 5:4 (NKJV) says “for whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.” In Christ, we can lead a victorious life and a life of overcoming fear, uncertainty, strife and hopelessness. For Christ is our hope of glory and in Him, we do not have to fear for the battle belongs to God! He is the Light, the Way and Life.

The Wisdom and Will
of God

If we wish to walk in God’s victory, blessing, love, hope and glory, we need to walk in His Wisdom and in His Will. Regarding His Will, there is no greater testimony of our desire to follow Him as His children than by the prayer of asking the Lord that His will be done and not ours. And that “will” in the Greek language speaks of desire, purpose and intent. Therefore, Jesus instructs us to pray that the will of the heavenly Father - that same Sovereign Lord of Isaiah 61 – be done, and we are to seek, pursue and desire that God’s purpose, desire, intent and desire for us all in this world be done, and not our own.

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The Bride and Bridegroom

The Lord is our Bridegroom, and those who belong to Jesus Christ are His Bride. Those who believe have been included in Christ when they heard the message of truth, the gospel of our salvation. The moment we hear the message of the gospel and receive salvation we are betrothed to Christ. Such a Bride is sold out for the Bridegroom, seeking to be with Him and to love him for all eternity. This church—the Bride of Christ—is not one specific local church or denomination but the entire body of believers throughout the ages. All who have trusted the Lord and received salvation by grace through faith are collectively His Bride. As the Bride, we are called to have only one true eternal love – Christ.

Free in Christ

God wants us to be free. Let us proclaim this truth, God wants us free! He wants us to be free from sickness, sorrow, heartache, anguish, pain, and strife. He wants us to be free from being enslaved, yoked, and burdened. For this reason, Jesus said in Matthew 11 that His yoke and burden are light. In this world, we will have trouble, and we are not immune to heartache, pain or sorrow, but we can be free from its crippling effect on our spirit, soul and body. In Christ is our liberty. In Christ is our hope, for He is the eternal shining light and the joy to sustain us.

God's Voice

There is this strange notion these days that God no longer speaks to His people. It is said that God spoke in the Old Testament and that God today only speaks these days through His Word. Yes, it is true, that God does speak through His Word, but the wonderful and glorious news is that God does speak to His children. He has a voice, we have ears, and there is definite communication! Some even say that one is crazy to think one hears from God (voices in the head apparently speak of a deep-seated disorder). Others claim it is purely your imagination. This is sad because God is an incredibly personal God who wants to communicate with His children. He wants to talk to us, and He wants us to talk to Him. Yes, we can hear from God as His children. There is no simple formula, but it boils down to relationship, fellowship, intimacy, and willing to follow and listen.

Radical Christianity

If we truly want to lead a supernatural life, with a faith believing in the impossible, then we need to become radical for God. We need to be red-hot Christians who are on fire for Jesus. It means following Him no matter the cost. It means doing as He says in His Word and never compromising. For the radical Christian, it is all about Christ and nothing else. God is calling for a people who will no longer submit to the ‘normal’. Are we just going through the motions of serving Christ? Has our spiritual life become bland, dull and dreary? Our lives must always be connected to the Spirit of God. We must be infused into God so that He truly abides in us and we abide in us!

God the Father
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God is an actual, literal Father. He is the source of life. Yes, our God the Father created the universe and everything in it. He is a big God but at the same time is a personal God who knows each person's every need. God the Father set a plan in place to save humanity from itself. Yes, He is a good Father and a loving God who wants a family and to be with His children. He is not cruel or mean. Not abusive. Loving and kind. But also a Father who is not pleased with wickedness, evil or sin. He is a holy God. Unto Him we cry “Abba, Father” and He hears us. What an awesome God we serve, far better than the supposed fathers of mythology! Just as earthly fathers have an important part in contributing to the life of children, this is true with God as His spiritual children. He provides, protects, and nurtures. In this study, learn more about the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 

Moses Vol 1 and 2

Jesus said He is the Way, Truth and Life. There is no other way when it comes to following Christ. We follow the Way of the Lord, and not our way or any other way. His Way is secure, true and promises life, hope, joy, strength and love. His Way leads us along the blessed path of an intimate relationship with God, and along a path where we are led to the green pastures and quiet pastures. 

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Spiritual Hunger Devotionals

In this volume of work, you will find 60 devotionals. It is intended for you to read one devotional per week, for it serves as a call to action to ponder, to consider, and to reflect on your walk with God. They are written to also challenge your relationship with God. It is authentic, genuine and sincere? Are you truly abiding in His presence? Are you yielding and submitting to the Lord with all your might and strength? The question is simple: How hungry are you for God? How hungry are you to follow Him, to serve, to obey, to yield, to submit and to adhere to His perfect will? Are you really hungry?

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